Companies cannot attract, nurture or retain the finance leaders of tomorrow in the same way as the leaders of today. That is the core theme of ACCA’s ground-breaking study of Generation Next, the youngest generation of finance and accounting professionals – those who are 36 years of age or younger
Understand the work preferences and career aspirations of the youngest generation in accounting and finance today.
Access to and development of talent is still critical for company growth. So both parties have a vested interest in making the relationship work in a much more sustainable way. This survey raises new questions – and presents a few possible answers – as to how best to engage and nurture young professionals to “future proof” the talent pipeline. How can finance provide more sustainable, fulfilling career development opportunities in the face of a rapidly changing business landscape?
The opportunity to learn new skills and career progression opportunities top the list. Yet other factors are important too. Financial remuneration is ranked highly as both an attraction and retention factor which perhaps reflects the financial challenges this generation believe they face in the current economic climate. Interestingly the employer brand is ranked as the least important factor.
Not enough capacity in the organisation, or roles they want available is cited as the primary impediment, which may be a reflection of changing career path ambitions. The problem is compounded given their desire for promotion rather than sideways moves. Adding to the issue are concerns over transparency of career paths, an issue previously noted in ACCA’s work on talent management. Other important impediments were noted too, including insufficient reward as well as learning opportunities, yet these are also issues identified as important.
More on this on AccaGlobals website
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